HHP 6320 Class A

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6320 Class A Cordless Direct Part Mark Imagers

The 6300 dpm Series includes the 6300 corded and 6320 cordless models.  Both models are powered by Adaptus Imaging Technology 5.0 – the world’s leading technology brand for image-based bar code reading. The 6300 dpm Series supports USB, keyboard wedge, and RS-232 communications; while the 6320 cordless model uses Bluetooth communications to connect to an intelligent base station.  Both imagers offer a high-resolution image sensor and simple setup interface. The 6300 dpm Series imagers are powered by Hand Held’s exclusive Adaptus Imaging™ Technology 5.0 engine platform.  A highly innovative, custom DPM lighting system allows the 6300 dpm imagers to
optimally illuminate marks of any type, on any surface. Low-angle lighting with quadrant control provides the uniform illumination required for dot peen and etch marks. The integrated diffuser provides soft illumination required for highly reflective parts such as electrochemical etched marks on shiny, round surfaces.  A custom DPM decode engine
ensures high 1st pass read rates on even the toughest marks.

(55) 5351-6152
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